Friends of ARK Wildlife Park
How to help ARK Wildlife Park?
Perhaps you have been wondering how you can help our Wildlife Park full of rescue animals. Well we get by with a little help from our friends.
How can you help the ARK Wildlife Park? There are lots of ways…
We are so grateful for any help that you are able to give at this time, all the money raised goes straight to the upkeep of over 200 beautiful rescue animals at the sanctuary.
- PayPal donations to
- BACs payments to Jurassic Encounters Ltd 20-45-45 account 53462552
- Cheques made payable to Jurassic Encounters Ltd can be posted to our address
- Donations of fresh fruit, veg or branches
- Amazon Wishlist
Amazon Wishlist
Checking out our wishlist is a great way to help ARK Wildlife Park.
Fresh Donations help ARK Wildlife Park
Donations from individuals or businesses of fresh fruit and veg are also very greatly received, as are leaves and branches from suitable trees (eg. willow, fruit trees etc) for herbivore browsing. Please contact us if you have anything suitable that can be delivered.
Corporate sponsorship is also available. As well as animal adoption packs
The ARK team would like to thank…
Here you can find those businesses who have already donated, contributed or helped ARK’s many rescued resident animals.
We would like to say a massive thank you for helping to improve the lives of many animals who would have had an uncertain future. This could not have been achieved without the help and generosity of many individuals and businesses.
There are many individuals who have helped the Ark over the years, from donations of money and food as well as purchases from our Amazon wishlist, too many to mention individually but we thank you all.
Friends of ARK Wildlife Park
Lynx fuels, proudly sponsor Echo the Eurasian Lynx

The Irons family
Our fabulous staff and volunteers
CJM Plumbing & Heating
Sainsburys (Spilsby branch)
Marsh Industries
Holey man Moss
B&Q (Boston branch)
Four seasons fruit & veg (Spilsby)
Vets 4 pets (Newmarket)
Tesco (Horncastle & Skegness)
SiLo paving
Griff Leigh
MacMahon Family
Grainne Richardson
Boots (Wisbech)
J.Hull wholesale
Pilgrim foods
Peregrine livefoods
Pets at Home
Ripe now
Frank York
Four seasons harvest
Kings garage of Stickney
AK fruit & veg (Lincoln & Boston)
The Waddington family
The Shannon family
Debbie & Max (sorry we don’t have your surname)
Association of Animal Artists
Karen Markham
Lincoln University Wildlife Conservation Society
Maureen Barrand
Brian Burnett & Lorna Arnold
Helen for the heaters (sorry we don’t have your surname)
Mrs Denise Bowden
Pete Stapleton & Samantha
Jayne Bingham
Reece Taylor-long
Mrs P. Hunter
Mablethorpe Christian Spiritualist Church
Marion Ellis
Sarah & John Marsden
Morrisons (Spalding)
Emerald Green Feeds
Julie Bedford